Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Your lettering (font) your way - BitFontMaker makes it possible

Ever wanted your own custom typography but didn't know how to? Enter BitFontMaker an online font maker so you can show your own digital bling. Design your font from scratch or use one of the many pre-designed and modify. FREE!


Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Scrollig LED flash frame shows your message on the back of your ride

I've always wanted some way to flash a message to the drivers behind me. Sometimes to thank them for letting me pass and sometimes to make a wise crack at them. Although this License Plate Flash Frame has the potential of causing more road-rage, it none-the-less is a cool accessory for the car. Display you are a fan, display some nice well wishes to the frustrated drivers stuck in a traffic jam, display a PR message. These frames can have 20 programmable messages activated by a remote control. "Eat my dust" might not be such a nice scrolling message to show. US$50. Now how could I prevent someone stealing it right off my license plate? I wish there was a similar scrolling message display for the back window of my car.

[License Plate Flash Frame]

MiniHitch - Hitch up your mini with your LCD

So you have your intel Mac Mini but don't really care to show its signature apple milky white presence on your computing space, enter this innovative mount called MiniHitch. What sets it apart? Look at the picture, you can mount your mini using the 100mm or 75mm spacing VESA pattern mounting holes on the back of your LCD monitor. They even offer an iSight mount. Ma! look no wire mess! US$50. I wonder about the heat exchange between the two paired components.


Pod CityGuides: Get the skinny on your iPod

The cityguides use notes feature on your 3rd & 4th generation iPod to put city guides across 9 regions of the world. Their total collection of 300 cities each provide address and detailed info on hotels, restaurants, events, and etc right in the comfort of your iPod. Free but requires you to create an account to download the guides.

[City Guides on you iPod]