Thursday, June 29, 2006

Geek Novelty - Peep the rear (of your cube)

Perpetual Kid has these Monitor Rear View Mirrors for the cheap. Comes in 4 different colors, you mount them on the top corner of your monitor to keep a guard on who might be looking over your shoulders as you play Second Life while you should actually be working. I say play on playa... US$7.99.

[Designer Monitor Rear View Mirror]

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Strap on in public - TranStrap

Made of plush heavy duty nylon webbing, and aircraft grade aluminum for the hook, this TranStrap is the public commuters best friend. Instead of having to reach high for those germ infested grab bars, use these to secure yourself on. Has a no-slip grip on the bar and is even washable. Have a sleeve and even a pass holder as accessories. US$12.95. Now why didn't I think of this. They are coming out with a mini version and even has one that allows you be reading a book using it.

[TranStrap - Personal Strap for Public Transit]

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Re-Design you room without breaking a Sweat - Room Designer

A java based FREE online room planner. Pick pre-defined ( a great many of them) furniture, set the right dimensions for your room and have fun virtually laying them out. Print out your masterpiece, set it all up and live in your own heaven. I can definitely see myself using this more than just once.

[Virtual Room Planner]

Your junk is someone's Gold - Throwplace will match you up provides a much needed bridge in a niche market - someone's junk is another's gold. Non-profit and charities keep your eyes glued here. Have a need? try searching through here. Individuals want to get rid of that old PC or furniture laying around check-in here. Happy donating and finding folks. Hope this site will provide match-made-in-heaven.
