FREE gift for Featured Reader in January
Be a featured reader in January and get a FREE gift. On January 1st, one reader will be featured on netintrigues. Based on popularity this giveaway might return in February of 2006. To be considered, you could do any one or more of the following:
- leave legitimate, more than one line comment about postings on netintrigues (the more the better)
- leave general comment (on this posting) about netintrigues - what you like most about it, how long have been reading, what would you like to see more of, etc.
- start a Digg story about a posting on netintrigues
- link to netintrigues from your blog or website (Talk Digger will be used to find such linking)
If you are chosen, we will email you (privacy of your email guaranteed). Your picture (or some clean visual representation of you) will be featured on the main page along with link to your blog or web site and even a little interesting tid-bit about you. Spread the word and start netintriguing.
January's featured reader will be getting a bonafied US$20 Best Buy gift card.
January's featured reader has been chosen. Thw winner is being contacted for permission before publishing any information about her. Stay tuned.